
Pros And Cons Of Active Euthanasia

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Introduction: In this paper I am going to argue that passive euthanasia is moral but active euthanasia is not moral. Passive and active euthanasia differ by the way in which the death occurs. It is okay to withhold a treatment from a patient when the patient’s life is depending on a machine or treatment. However, it is not okay to give someone something that will cause their death just because they’re going through a temporary rough time if the person is still capable of living without depending on a machine. There is a difference between killing and letting die because action is needed to kill but not to let someone die. There are arguments against my belief of what is moral but I will explain why active euthanasia is not moral.
Analysis: Callahan’s argument concludes that physicians should only help patients get healthy but not kill them, and that we confuse alleviation of pain and death. “Many millions of others have undergone all kinds of personal tragedy… but most of them do not turn to suicide” (Callahan, 83). Life consists of ups and downs, and there are times when it a person might lose all hope so they think death is the best option for them. People are always seeking to get out of misery and they confuse themselves thinking death is the only way out. The people who chose death as a way out are a minority because majority does not accept death as a good way out unless it is a case similar to passive euthanasia. “The movement to empower physicians legally to take the

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