
Pros And Cons Of Banned Books

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The News is known for providing us with important things going on in our society. They provide us with all types of news stories such as Knowledge, Weather, Sports, Politics, and many more topics. Reading, hearing, or even watching the news is important to us since we are all curious what going on in the world. Even since the 17th century when news stories were develop from there are books that are being banned because their content is considered unacceptable. Despite the problems we are going through today books continue to remain banned. As a society, we are going through many problems like racism, bullying, drug/alcohol abuse, divorce, violence, and religion. It has been discussed that the reason behind banning books is because adults feel the need to preserve a child innocence for as long as they can.However, this is a problem they witness in everyday life. Instead of protecting their children it is better to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and tools to deal with these problems. The preservation of children’s innocence is one reason children are not being allowed to read certain books that can greatly impact their lives. Although exposure to explicit topics like death, abuse, and bullying at a young age can cause a child to have more violent behavior, I claim that gradual exposure to explicit topics allows children to become more aware of the world, gives them the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills, and a sense of morality. In our society today,

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