
Pros And Cons Of Bilingual Education

Decent Essays

Is Bilingual Education Good or Bad?
Imagine living a life in Spain, then one day the job gets transferred to Texas in the United States of America. Now getting accustomed to this job may be hard because of the new environment, but adapting to the culture may be even harder. Well this problem can be eliminated because bilingual education should be required in all American kindergarten through twelfth-grade school systems. Not only should students be required to take one class a year, there should also be alternative elective courses of foreign languages. There are many benefits of learning a language that is not profound to a specific person. One is that learning a new language is a great way of meeting new people and making friends. Another possible positive outcome is that new language is an excellent source for traveling and could benefit a person’s employment opportunities. The United States should provide bilingual education to students in kindergarten through twelfth-grade because learning another language is good for meeting new people, traveling and expanding employment opportunities.
Meeting new people could be one of the greatest things of all time, that is how friends are made. Being able to go up to someone and start a conversation creates a way of getting to know that person. Once the common likes and dislike are found a mutual friendship is established; but what if that person cannot be understood? Now the future friendship or even relationship will not be

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