
Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment

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The death penalty is quickly becoming one of the more controversial topics in the United States. Currently, there are 31 states where capital punishment is legal. As of April 2016, there have been 1,431 executions in the United States, but the number of executions in recent years has been steadily decreasing (Timmons 2017). The death penalty can be put up for moral debate, and one can ask oneself whether the death penalty is ever morally permissible. There are some pros and cons to having capital punishment. For example, deterrence and prevention are good reasons to have the death penalty, but, in reality, the cons far outweigh the possible benefits that may come from capital punishment. The cost of imposing capital punishment is …show more content…

Kant once stated:

Accordingly, any undeserved evil that you inflict on someone else among the people is one that you do to yourself. If you vilify, you vilify yourself: if you steal from him, you steal from yourself; if you kill him, you kill yourself. (Timmons 2017)

Looking at the death penalty from Kant’s perspective alone, if one commits the crime of murder, it is okay for the state to kill the offender thus implying that it is then okay for anyone to kill a person. Kant’s theory puts one in a never ending cycle. Stephen Nathanson argues that the death penalty is immoral; if the state kills because the offender killed, then the state is no better than the offender himself. Nathanson argues that the “eye for an eye” principle is comparable to saying that if one rapes, then rape should be the punishment for the rapist; if one kills, then death should be the punishment; and if one tortures, then torture should be the punishment. Killing is never ethically permissible, and therefore, the state should not be able to kill its citizens, even if they commit a horrible crime. Moreover, the death penalty should be abolished because it allows the state to play the role of a god in the sense that they have power over what can and will happen to the individual prosecuted. Nathanson argues that there is human dignity in each and every individual that can not be overlooked no matter who the person is or what that certain individual has done.“To execute a person for

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