This article is a proposing view of going to college. Right away it says that going to college is a scam, how it’s not worth getting a degree when it only equals the result of debt, and how most people have a degree but are working at a job that doesn’t require a degree. Most jobs don’t require a degree, but the degrees are valuable in required degree jobs. The article assumes that you have to be a different type of person to pursue college, the only ones that benefit from actually going and being motivated to go to school are those with wealth, qualify for scholarships and that were raised by a two parent household.
It gives the other side of how getting a degree makes you no different than others that didn’t go to college. The difference
In Linda Lees "The case against college", she argues that going to college may not always be the right move for every high school gradatuate. She explains that, "only 27 percent of Americans have a bachelors degree or higher". This does leave a staggering amount of room for people that have had success without degrees, such as bill gates or the average hard worker entrepreneur. She uses a personal anecdote from her own experience of why college isn’t for everyone. Lee explains that her son got into a pretty good school, and enrolled because all his friends were going and it should be fun, but he wasn’t ready, he elected to miss classes and was there for all play and no work, while Lee was paying one thousand dollars a week for her son’s education.
This nation has always considered that by having a degree, you’ll have a better income and lifestyle. What society fears is the cost and the debt that they might go into. Both writers want to give the nation an understanding, that by obtaining a degree there's a difference in income, but there’s obstacles we must look into before choosing what university you want to enroll.
My Econ professor once taught us to only take out no more than $30,000 in student loans. In my mind I thought, ‘why would we even want to take out that much of student loans?’ Everywhere in America, students are taking out student loans to help them pay through college. Whether it be through financial aid, scholarships, loans, grants, and so on. College students are thirsty for money and I do not blame them.
While Chris Matthews on the other hand clarifies that college isn't all the worth it in the article, Why college isn't for everyone, explained in a single chart. When it comes to the real world, everyone's goal is to become financially stable no matter what pathway you take to get to your success. There are multiple ways to become successful but I personally believe
In today 's world, a college degree has great significance. It is worth the effort to obtain a degree, and this is due to the increasing wages that come with a degree, the lowering of unemployment rates, and having a degree is a requirement for many jobs. Having a college degree will get you far in life. For example the wage gap increases between high school graduates and college graduates, at the rate the degree does.
College is important for people and it is worth it. College will pay off in the future and college will help others in life. College should be for everybody because people need to go to college to get an education and graduate to be something. “Going to college is worth it because there are different opportunities that people can take to be successful, but the way that took to get a good degree will help them in the future.” (“Is College Worth It?”
According to the article, “New school year,old story: Education pays”, it shows the difference between the types of jobs you can have if you go to college or not. For example, if you go to college, you will have a better chance of getting a life changing job. If you don’t go to college or graduate college, it is less likely of you to get the job you want or the job that has a good profit for you. Even though college does sound so great, it will lead you to a successful life in the future.
After high school students have the opportunity to attend a college. Today, it seems like fewer people go to college. People will say “It’s too expensive or I don’t have the time” however that's just not the case, in my opinion, college is worth it because if someone is seeking a long-term job with security, mobility, and pay increase must attend college. Having the degree is better than not having one at all.
Is a college education really worth the investment of time, money and energy? Is a college degree really worth going deep in student loan debts? Higher education is a considerable gamble. For many people it works out well, but many of the other college graduates have found themselves completely unable to get a great job in this economy with a huge amount of debt on their shoulders. The entire system encourages students to take out any kindand amount of loans they need without worrying how they will pay them back. For that reason these people also say that college education is a good investment. For the past few decades, a college education was actually an almost automatic ticket to a job and a middle class life but today, higher education
Achieving a college degree is worth the time and effort as well as the financial struggle because there is more to be gained besides context knowledge. College is something that has dropped in importance as less and less people attend every year. These students are unsure as to whether it is worth it.Parents push their kids towards college and some even tell them not to go because of financial problems. This pressure students to make a life changing decision. This is all things that may keep a student from a secondary education that could kick-start a new and better life.
As adolescents begin their senior year, the topic of college often runs without hindrance, often causing extreme stress. As the monetary value, as well as the time spent, begins to accumulate in their minds, students often find themselves bound at the wrists figuring out a way to balance as well as afford college living. In many cases, the upcoming graduates are unsure about their career path, almost enhancing their stress in choosing a school that would cater to their needs. It is almost then they begin to ponder whether or not University/college life is for them, which is could be an extremely advantageous shot in a, for example, high achieving family. Whilst college does allow for a plethora of doors to be opened, the lack of time, effort, and money can hinder one 's ability to properly choose a university. Though school can help with the stepping stones of life, they do not entirely ensure a proper future, therefore many may opt out of school; however, with the correct actions, they may turn out extremely successful, which may not have even happened without the release of the burden of school.
Imagine getting the job of your dreams. Well, you can, but you have to get more of a education first. College is where you go after high school. Here, you can take many classes of your choice to help you to prepare for your career. Obtaining a college degree has many benefits.
The choice of whether or not one should attend college has been a great topic of interest over the past few years with the increase of college tuition. This increase of college tuition questions whether attending college will pay off in the future since numerous amounts of students are left with an excessive amount of student loan debt. Stephanie Owen, a former research assistant at Brooking’s Center and current research associate at the Urban Institute, alongside Isabell Sawhill, co-director of the Center on Children and Families and a senior fellow in economic studies at Brookings, wrote Should Everyone Go to College? In an attempt to answer that question. In their report they breakdown the cost and benefits of going to college often relying on logos throughout the
In Life today a college education is no longer an option or privilege, but rather it is a necessity. We are raised to believe that a person needs higher education in order to succeed in life. There is a saying, “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” You may ask is college necessary? There are people out in the real world that have never set a foot on a college campus before and they are doing better than others that have their master’s degree. There are many views from both sides that have a good argument.
Time after time you hear about going to college; whether at work, family, friends, and even when you are in high school you might have been repeatedly told of how it can benefit you in the long run in regards to your future. They say a good education can take you far in life. Students in high school may still question the importance of a college education. In the world of today people find themselves asking, “Why is it important to go to college?” An important aspect of succeeding in today’s world is getting a better education, and it’s much more than just a degree - in college you also learn how to better prepare for assignments, perhaps one of the most important things you can get out of attending