
Pros And Cons Of Legal Drinking Age At 18

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In today’s world, the majority of countries have a minimum legal drinking age of eighteen or lower. At one point in time the United States also had a legal drinking age of eighteen, until 1985, when the minimum legal drinking age was raised to twenty-one. Ever since then, drinking age limit has been a topic of major controversy. Although eighteen is the age you are legally considered an adult, eighteen year olds are entering the world with a newfound sense of independence where they are more susceptible to engaging in risky behavior, such as underage drinking. The minimum legal drinking age should remain at twenty-one, opposed to being lowered to eighteen because of the risks that alcohol consumption can pose to not only the consumers and their health, but also to the people that they come in contact with.

At the age of eighteen our bodies are still developing and drinking alcohol can adversely affect parts of our bodies that are necessary to live. When you drink, many different parts of your body are affected, including various parts of your brain. A person under the influence of alcohol, experiences impairments in their ability to reason, perform fine motor skills, and complete vital bodily functions. These effects are even more severe on a brain that is still developing, and as a result can cause long-term damage. Consuming alcohol also affects the liver and kidneys, specifically their ability to filter harmful substances out of the bloodstream. Young adults, especially

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