
Pros And Cons Of Marco Rubio

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Presidential Election 2016 “The 2nd truism that we must understand is that our poverty does not create our social problems, our social problems create our poverty,” stated Republican party candidate, Marco Rubio. He was the senator of Florida. Rubio is 44 years old. He has been interested in politics and volunteer work since he was a juvenile. U.S. citizens should vote for Marco Rubio because he is against gay marriage, he is against abortion, and is for legal immigration. Put Rubio in the White House for illegal same-sex marriage. Marco Rubio conjectures that marriage should be between one male and one female. In the article “Rubio: Same-sex Marriage Not ‘Settled Law,’” written by Bradford Richardson, it states Rubio does not believe in marriage between two females or two males. According to Rubio, same sex marriage is illicit and he disagrees with any directionless principle constructed for it [same sex marriage]. Vote Marco …show more content…

Marco Rubio conjectures that marriage should be between one male and one female. In the article “Rubio: Same-sex Marriage Not ‘Settled Law,’” written by Bradford Richardson, it states Rubio does not believe in marriage between two females or two males. According to Rubio, same sex marriage is illicit and he disagrees with any directionless principle constructed for it [same sex marriage]. Vote Marco Rubio for no same-sex marriage. Electing Marco Rubio will obliterate abortion in all states. He does not support this at all. In the article “ Rubio-Babies Have Right to Live Irrespective of Circumstances By Which They Were Conceived,” written by Lauretta Brown, Rubio divulges his comprehensive disputation with legalized miscarriage, even in cases of rape. According to Rubio, he is of the opinion that an innocent infant forced to miscarriage has the prerogative to exist without consideration of the state of affairs to which they were created. Elect Marco Rubio for legal

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