Across the United States, police brutality has become more shocking and ruthless throughout the recent years. It appears today that officers in the police force are becoming more blind to people; therefore, theoretically this should be a good thing. Instead, police are abusing their rights to arrest people and are beating on citizens that should not be beaten the way that they were. Everyone has a fear for their lives now, if not theirs then their families. Women, children, the elderly, and black men in America are no longer safe and protected by the police.
Before entering the topic of police brutality everyone who has had experience or has not had experience needs to know some of the characteristics. Many civilians have confused police being
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Racism, though, was and still is a huge issue when it comes to the police handling certain situations. There are hundreds of good examples of blacks being viciously killed by police. For example the two cases of 19-year-old Kendrec McDade, who was unarmed when he was shot 7 times by police officers at point blank range, then handcuffed, and 19-year-old Ramarley Graham who was profiled, chased to his grandmother’s house by the NYPD, and then murdered in the bathroom (Savali). A third example of police brutality beating a black man is the case with 15-year-old Chad Holley, whose vicious beating by police officers was captured on video. The result? All of the officers were charged with misdemeanors, and the first officer tried in the case, Andrew Blomberg, was found not guilty (Savali). A final example is grand jury decided not to indict Union City police office Luther Lewis earlier this month for killing 19-year-old Ariston Waiters (pictured above), who was shot in the back twice (Savali). These are just four cases of hundreds where black people were basically murdered by the police. Although Danilia says, “Even though racial profiling still exists, anyone regardless of race, gender or age can become a victim of police brutality”. Now statistics have shown this is very true. No one is safe against the
Today in America there has been a growing problem amongst people and the police force. There has been many cases over the past couple of years were the police has used brute force on citizens. The main group of people suffering from police brutality is young African Americans. The young blacks feel that they are being targeted by the police. These cases continue to happen with no signs of stopping anytime soon. The police have been using brute force on black Americans for years now. There was a major that spark awareness on police brutality a couple of years ago. This case was the Trayvon Martin case that stated the whole black lives matter movement. This case was one of the key features to start the black lives matter movement.
We live in a world where police brutality is caused by the ignorance’s of people who believe they aren’t colorblind. The numbers of cases of murders and homicides in communities with high levels of poverty have increased. With the number of criminal activity growing, Law enforcement have brutality tried to crack down criminals at no expense. With the following happening young men and women in the Black community who commit minor to no offense have been taken in to detain facilities beaten. In addition to police brutality when arresting a person of color we are now experiencing polices using brutal focused on young black men and women without probable cause of threat.
The media has portrayed Officers in a new light. Rather than protective guardians, they are now unstable, power-fueled workers of the law. It is their choice what they will do with the duty of enforcing the law. Anyone can fall victim to Police Brutality. However, America’s social and economic society is improving at an alarming rate. America is at a time now where peaceful protests and the like are promoted, while aggressive out lashes, unlawful activities, and excessive force is frowned upon. The economy today is a result of the hard work of ancestors who protested and ensured a better future. In the future, it is possible that Officers will no longer be stereotyped as abusive, or unlawful. A united front is required for this future, where there are no more sides, violence, or
Police brutality has increased and intensified especially these past years. Citizens have become angrier after the deaths of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and the untold number of other unarmed or innocent people who were killed by excessive force by police. This is just a heinous and monstrous act that needs to change in law enforcement. Police officers need to change their ways or the war between law enforcement and the community will just intensify, The problem with law enforcement now a days is that they use deathly force as a first priority. They should instead use a non-violent ways to de-escalate situations.
Police brutality is becoming a trend in America. Tensions among the public and especially the African American community are rising due to the latest cases of police brutality. Many people believe that we have come far in this society but to be honest Racism is still a factor. The use of brutal and lethal force by some police officers leading to unnecessary deaths have African American parents on edge to send their children outside for anything. Law enforcement and people whom we trust with our lives are the very same to take it. Some people may want to argue that these cases such as the shooting of Michael brown and choking of Eric Garner are isolated incidents. Others would argue that the work of a police officer is too difficult and that sometimes an officer needs to use such force in order to enforce the law and protect him/herself while on duty. Law enforcement proclaims to feel threatened however what about the civilians who feel threatened of becoming the next target or victim of prey. The society is well aware that not all police commit these crimes and that we do still have law abiding officers. However, with the effort from everyone we can eradicate the bad apples and create a safer road for the officers and civilians.
Police officers, who were once referred to as peace keepers, are now more law enforcement officers. Police agencies around the United States seem to be stuck more on quotas and creating revenue for their county or city. Making many officers strive for many unnecessary arrests. Which as a following result has brought up a lot of tension between the police and their citizens. With increasing violence in cities and states; police officers methods have slowly become more aggressive, bringing a rise in unnecessary police brutality related incidents within the last 10 years. This relationship is substantially disproportionate considering that there are five times as many whites as there are blacks in America. I find this incredibly concerning and it has definitely impacted my view of American law enforcement. Recently, I have tried to become more knowledgeable about racism and prejudice in the United States as issues such as police brutality are becoming more and more prevalent. Although there is still much more for me to learn about the complicated system of racism and white privilege, I do feel that I know enough to recognize unjust and unlawful behavior of police officers. Police brutality has a longstanding history in our country and will be very difficult to overcome. However, I think it is possible if we, as a nation, are willing to recognize the cause and attack the issue at its source. I believe that police brutality can be attributed to an immoral police force, a corrupt
Police brutality is defined as “excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians,” and this has become more prominent within the United States throughout the years (Danilina). There has many cases where police brutality has been seen via news channels, and it has dismantled the unity of trust between the civilians of the United States and the law enforcement who are supposed to protect the everyday people from harm. The issue is if the law enforcement is actually right within their means of protection, or have they gone too far with using excessive force in any situation that may or may not be harmful to them. There is, also, the question of whether racial profiling is the biggest contributor to police brutality.
As of September 1, 2015, in the United States police officers have killed 776 people and 161 of those people were unarmed at the time of their death (MintPress). There have been too many incidents where police officers have injured or killed someone that could have been prevented. Using maximum force with a suspect has become a routine in many confrontations. Officers have not been given the proper training to deal with individuals and how to handle them without using a weapon. If they were given more training on how to deal with situations resulting in using a weapon to stop an individual during certain scenarios police brutality situations would decrease, lives would be saved, and police would get their good reputation back. However, police departments would have to spend more money on re-training. Some people agree with police brutality and think that a civilian deserved their punishment, which is not right because no one deserves to be beaten or killed. Situations involving police brutality have been increasing throughout the years, which is a problem that must to be solved.
The police brutality has covered the media headlines over the past few years. Deadly shootings are becoming more common. Tragically the police force doesn't hold officers that have done the killings for a really long time before they're discharged into their regular duties. Cases have proven that the police use excessive force to minority groups. For example, Indigenous people, african-Canadians and middle-easterns have certainty that the police use their force against suspects not actual victims of the offense.
their victims are people of color. Over the year police brutality has increased, but not much is
The brutality of the police force has been a long worldwide problem, but especially between the years of 2012-2016. Black people are being unjustly beaten and shot in plain sight for doing nothing while being unarmed. Journal of African American Studies “Blacks are viewed as deserving of harsh treatment in the criminal justice system” (482). “Black males with more “Afrocentric” features may receive longer sentences than blacks with less Afrocentric features like lighter skin and straighter hair”(482). Nowadays it is important to know about the police force. It’s important to know our rights as citizens and be careful around cops. Not everybody is good, but not everybody is bad also. In The New York Amsterdam News 21 people were killed by Chicago police in 2008. Entire families were being attacked. They believe it’s because of their skin color and how they are different. The year of racism started off with the world seeing the police murder of Oscar Grant. “The media have pushed people away from hearing the issue of police brutality, and it has fallen off of the radar screen.”(2) “You can’t give in. They will try to make an example out of you, try to break your spirit!”(2) African Americans say do not trust the cops with anything. “They will ruin you.”(2)
Although I should know by now, I cannot help but think that there has been an overwhelming amount of police brutality in recent years. Police brutality can be defined as, when a police officer uses more force than necessary. This issue has spread throughout the United States of America, and is putting the lives of our citizens in great danger. Police brutality is not only physical, but it can also be verbal attacks; and, in most cases, it is caused by false arrest and racial profiling due to police corruption. Police brutality has been and continues to be a major concern in society and it is used very loosely to any and all forms of police misconduct. Whereas, in reality, excessive force of police misconduct is what defines police brutality. The jobs of a police officer are too calmly resolve public disturbance and disputes. Police officers are supposed to protect citizens; instead they are hurting and using excessive force. It is not right and it is unjust for a police officer to hurt a citizen due to an assumption without any actual proof of criminal activity.
Police brutality is not a new subject. It has been around for numerous years, and like most issues, has resurfaced to the public’s eyes. The recent events brought up the question: Does there need to be a reform in the system in the police system? In this year alone, there have been countless cases of individuals being harmed or even killed by police officers for reasons that continuously are not explained. What has people more attentive to this injustice are statistics showing that most victims in these police attacks happen to be African Americans and other minorities.
Over the years United States has witnessed a substantial increase in police brutality, it is one of the most common and serious violation of the human rights and it happens more often than we care to know in our communities, ranging from verbal to physical abuse in which usually an innocent person results injured as police officers lay their called justice upon the alleged criminals.
Police brutality is a problem in our society mainly because there are police officers that are getting away with not only physically hurting innocent people, but murder as well. In the past year, there have been between 865-939 cases of people being shot and/or killed by cops (Calacal 1). Racial profiling is one of the main factors in this problem. African Americans and Latinos are the people we see being abused by police on the daily. So far this year, 215 African-Americans and 94 Latinos have been killed by police. Data shows that a black person is 3 times more likely to be killed by a police than a white person. Several officers