Should professional athletes be able to not stand for the national Anthem? Athletes have the right have the right to their 1st amendment. I think professional athletes should have to stand for the National Anthem because they live in America then that means they need to respect it, if they don't like it then just move to another country. People need to start respecting their country. For example, if one of your teammates on your football team doesn’t stand when they play the National Anthem then you need to say something to them to make them realize how stupid they look not standing for the National Anthem. In addition, African Americans need to stop feeling bad for themselves because they think that white people treat them poorly and
I do not think NFL athletes should be required to stand and participate in the national anthem. I think NFL players should be allowed to “take a knee” if that
In the news the NFL, Donald Trump, and the veterans are at crossroads with the American anthem and what it stands for. The NFL players decide to take a knee during the National Anthem which caused a big uproar across the United States. Our president has spoken out about the issue and made a harsh opinion on what the coaches should do with the players. Others such as, the police or men and women who were overseas protecting the United States find it disrespectful that NFL players taking a knee. Within the amendments, the first amendment is being used by the NFL players. The NFL players are using their rights to speak out against the National Anthem,
I think that the players in the NFL need to stand for the Anthem. America keeps us safe and we all need to respect our country. Some of these sports players have the biggest influence on us and there are many kids that may look up to them. These kids are influenced spin these players actions. But then I think I can see why some people kneel during the Anthem. Let’s use African Americans for example, they haven’t always had their rights in the U.S and sometimes aren’t always treated fairly because of racism. Maybe they don’t respect the flag because they feel like America has disrespected them. But here’s what I think should happen to the people who kneel. Each player that kneels should either have a two game suspension or be fined. For
Should NFL players be permitted to kneel at the national anthem? Some players that have defied team rules have been kicked off teams for kneeling. However, some advocate that this is a good way for the players to express their political views. Although these players are role models for kids of all ages, their actions imply that you can disrespect the flag, our American anthem, and our current military soldiers and veterans. NFL players should not be permitted to kneel at the national anthem because it is disrespecting our flag and military and violates team rules.
The National Anthem is considered a special part of the opening ceremony. The anthem is played to pay homage to those who have fought for America and the citizens’ freedom; thus, Kaepernick’s decision not to stand during the National Anthem was deemed as unpatriotic and disrespectful. If Kaepernick could make the decision not to stand for the anthem, why should he be able to play in the National Football League? Or why should he be able to live in this country if he disregards the nation’s anthem? Kaepernick chose to use his voice and role model status as a platform to voice his beliefs. If the NFL requires players to stand for the National Anthem the players’ voices including Kaepernick’s will go
On October 3, 2017, the NBA said the traditional All-Star Game would have a new format. In previous years, the All-Star Game consisted of 12 players from the Western and Eastern Conference each. The players were chosen by fan voting, media, and fellow players. However, over this year’s offseason, many All-Star athletes migrated towards the west. A report showed that when looking at the top fifteen NBA athletes, only Lebron James was in the east. The NBA realized that the game would be lopsided and decided to modify the formatting. Starting with the 2018 All-Star Game, teams will be selected by two captains from a pool of players. The captains would be players with the highest total votes, and the pool of players would also be judged on voting.
Americans have been standing for the National Anthem since 1891. This tradition started in the military, before The Star Spangled Banner became the National Anthem. Players in the NFL weren’t always required to stand on the sideline for the Anthem; it became a regular occurrence for players and teams to stand in 2009. Recently, many teams and players in the NFL have disrespected the flag and the unity within the country that is portrayed in the song. They do this by kneeling, sitting, and not coming out of the locker room during the playing of the National Anthem. All American citizens should always stand for the National Anthem, in respect for the flag and for the men and women who fought for the freedom we have.
Athletes should keep the sports and politics separated, they are totally two different subjects that shouldn’t be mixed. You shouldn’t protest during the national anthem because it is protesting America as a whole. There are many ways other than during the national anthem to protest. Protesting during the anthem can be come violent and lead to more violent and bigger
A lot of controversy has been going back and forth due to Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem, and other players that have not participated in the national anthem. I believe that everyone who is part of this nation should stand during the national anthem.
On September 11, 2005 hundreds of NFL players took the field to play a game. At the same time, thousands of emergency workers worked throughout the day and night in New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast; frantically searching for survivors, tirelessly working to restore power to places that had been without power for weeks and attempting to maintain some degree of law and order in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. We live in a society where pro athletes get paid more money in two weeks than a working man makes in two years, or more. Careers in which people obtain the same level of education, and even higher levels of education, get paid less. People who work in careers in moderate to extreme conditions get paid less. Lastly, workers
I believe that athletes should be required to stand during the national anthem. The way they are protesting is incorrect, not working, and extremely disrespectful. First off, the way they are protesting is incorrect for what they standing for. The protesters are trying to protest against black oppression, with the recent black shootings motivating them. Not standing for the national anthem is not the right way to protest this. The events of the shootings are local problems, not problems caused by the entire nation. This was stated well by NewsELA Pro/Con | National Anthem Debate, “There have been some tragic events lately involving black men and the police. America did not cause these tragedies, though. They occurred in Charlotte, North Carolina,
Have you ever watched a football game and wondered why some of the athletes were kneeling during the national anthem. Well if you didn't know they are kneeling to protest racism and injustice in this country. They are getting a mix of support and persecution at the same time which shows the country is at a complete divide. In this case persecution is just not the right way handle the situation.This country was set up and built upon a core value such as freedom of speech so why take that away now. Athletes have the same right to freedom of speech as an other normal paid person so they should be able to use it. Athletes should be allowed to peacefully protest the national anthem because the first amendment says so and guarantees free speech to all americans no matter who they are football players included, They have a voice on a national stage a should be able to utilize it, and just because their salary is higher than most people their opinion still.
The national anthem is about respecting those who put their lives on the lie to protect our freedom at home and abroad. I think athletes have a great platform to conduct change in our society either social, civil, etcetera, but I think they should choose their platforms to represent the change they want. I do believe that all players have the right to their first amendment, but they must understand the cause they are fighting against. By standing during the national anthem you are not hurting the politicians that you are fighting against, you are hurting the men and women who put their lives before ours. They fight for our freedom and I think we must show them the utmost
Athletes, they have been taking a stand during the National anthem by taking a knee, raising their fists, and even turning away from the flag. Athletes should not be disrespectful during the national anthem, but should use their fame to express themselves properly. This is an article by Lonnie Bunch and David Skorton published by the Washington post “Opinion: The athlete as agent of change” Explain how athletes from the past and present have shown what they believed in in different ways through the National anthem. Before reading this article I had not put much thought into the situation of athletes not taking a stand while saluting of our Nation’s flag. According to the article, “For decades, athletes have used their fame as a platform to
They should make the NFL players stand for the national anthem. I think it's important to stand to the national anthem cause the national anthem It’s important to remember that our military is composed entirely of volunteers. It obviously takes a special kind of patriotism for people to volunteer to risk their life for their country. Theirs is not blind patriotism that pretends there is nothing wrong with the country. Every man and woman in uniform knows we still have work to do to achieve the equality, opportunity and justice for all to which we aspire. But every member of the military also knows that what is right about America is worth defending. And if it’s worth defending, it’s worth honoring.What’s wrong about America can't be fixed