
Pros And Cons Of Teenage Addiction To Alcohol

Satisfactory Essays

Dylan pierce Pierce page 1 Humpal Per.3 11/29 Time Health says that effects of having a few drinks can differ person to person, but often people may not realize just how risky their drinking patterns are, or what that alcohol is doing to them under the hood. This essay will state the addiction and effects on the teenage body that consumes alcohol on a daily basis or huge amounts. Teen Addiction to Alcohol and the effects This essay highlights many pros and cons of alcohol. Alcohol is many things to many people: To little kids? it is a curiosity. To teenagers? it is cool. To responsible drinkers? it is a relaxant. To bartenders? it is a job? their lives. To restaurant owners? it is a moneymaker. To probation officers? it is a frustration. To actively drinking alcoholics? it is heaven. To wives and husbands of drinking alcoholics? it is a waste. To recovering alcoholics? it is a painful old friend. To us? it is something to be learned about and controlled. Many see alcohol in two categories either as something that helps them control their everyday problems or in some cases as an experiment to see how it would taste or how it feels. Then

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