
Pros And Cons Of The Age Of Technology

Decent Essays

It is the age of technology. The world is constantly undergoing changes and developments with the passage of time. Simultaneously, technology too is evolving at a faster rate than before. There is no doubt that the world has been benefitted from the constantly evolving technology and the lives of many people have changed a lot. It has facilitated transport as well as communication across the world. We owe much to technology. But each and every thing has their pros and cons. Technology too has its own disadvantages.
In this world, we cannot conceive any moment of our life without technology. It makes its presence in every moment of our day-to-day life. It is quite surprising that a master who invented the machine has now in turn, became a slave …show more content…

Same is the case with the letters. Now w It is the age of technology. The world is constantly undergoing changes and developments with the passage of time. Simultaneously, technology too is evolving at a faster rate than before. There is no doubt that the world has been benefitted from the constantly evolving technology and the lives of many people have changed a lot. It has facilitated transport as well as communication across the world. We owe much to technology. But each and every thing has their pros and cons. Technology too has its own disadvantages.
In this world, we cannot conceive any moment of our life without technology. It makes its presence in every moment of our day-to-day life. It is quite surprising that a master who invented the machine has now in turn, became a slave to an inanimate master. Hence, something that needs to be changed and taken into account is the reducing the increasing dependence on technology and its negative influence on our life.
Technology has replaced, almost every sphere of life. Be it entertainment, sports, literature, science etc., technology has penetrated all such domains of human life. The machine now rules over the humans i.e. the masters. It seems like technology acts as a walking stick that give prop to an emaciated old man whose existence now solely exists on its …show more content…

But at the same time, it curtails the physical strength and the ability of the human body to perform work manually. If technology replaces human labor it may save productive time but at the same time adversely affect the health and physique. It is common to find people going online to buy commodities and making online transactions. It may look suitable and a convenient option but in the long run, only has negative repercussions on the human health. Also, spending lot of time in the Internet affects the mental ability to think and analyze. Internet is a boon to this world that must be used for right purposes and for our needs. Use of Internet for illicit means and to achieve something immoral and distasteful will only lead the person to his doom. As overflowing water in a bucket causes menace and trouble, in the same way excessive use of anything may lead us to jeopardy. That anything in excess is menacing and rife with troubles is evident from the games that exist these days. Indulging in these pleasures may prove to be detrimental for the young. It has adverse affects for the eyes and for the brain. Devoting long hours in playing video games and the net may be the reason that most children end up wearing spectacles from a young age. It is for the same reason that children are affected by reduced concentration and increased strain on the

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