
Pros And Cons Of The Progressive Era

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According to Johnson's content, the Populist Era is the years 1880-1900 and the Progressive Era is the years 1900 up to the start of World War One. Since the Founding Fathers, the elite ruled the country. Americans had been in the Pacific since the 1780s, as pilots, dealers, whalers, anglers, and, not minimum, preachers. When the American missionaries, preachers, secured Hawaii, it was seen as the way in which Christianity in America, was securing a colonialist, imperialist character. In 1810, The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions was created and in 1814, the American Baptist Missionary Board was created. One cannot just isolate the American West itself from its history, which started in 1890, when the frontier ended, and …show more content…

The West had no time for that seeing as they were engrossed by the changes in the market. The market fluctuations were especially difficult on farmers. The wellspring of ranch vitality, to drive the machines and executes, was enhancing all the time from 1860. It went from men to stallions, to more grounded steeds, to steam tractors, then to the fuel motor. All the advantages that came to the American people from the American customer who were provided cheaper, ample and higher-quality sustenance all the way to the customers abroad were all because of the American agriculturists themselves. After the Civil War, seen by numerous American Protestants, not as a Christian thrashing, in which the frailty or disagreements of the confidence had been uncovered, yet as an American-Christian triumph, in which Christian populist educating had been triumphantly vindicated against rebels and faithless people, that the preacher surge accumulated force. This Christian mission was a Protestant one in the eyes of America. The `divine event' can be seen as the Christianization of the world by the American view of equity and

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