
Prozac Side Effects

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Side effects

Depending on medication and the individual; will have an impact on the side effect/s. The side effects for Prozac are usually anxiety, diarrhea, drowsiness, dyspepsia, insomnia, nausea, nervousness, tremor, weakness, headache, anorexia, decreased libido, xerostomia, and decreased appetite. Other side effects include bulimia nervosa, dizziness, skin rash, and diaphoresis. Side effects for citalopram would be drowsiness, nausea, insomnia, xerostomia, and diaphoresis. Additional side effects would be diarrhoea, ejaculatory disorder, anxiety, tremor, and vomiting.
SSRIs, commonly side effects are – nausea, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, weight change.
Atypical antidepressants side effects include – nausea, fatigue, weight gain, blurred …show more content…

This will give the therapist an overview of the solutions that can help the client and overcome distorted thinking. If the client were to call him or herself stupid for instance; for the therapist to understand how they define this word they would simply be asked what stupid means to them. This will give the client the recognition that what they are to believe is not as fundamental as they made it seem to be. This will lead to the client to realize what distorted thinking applies to their self. When the negative thoughts are then identified, the therapist guides them to reconsider their thoughts in order for the negative thoughts of thinking to be stopped for good. (Founder: Brain; …show more content…

This helps to allocate their thought process of how they think and feel. This then guides the way it makes them feel also the thought process behind it. Emotion leads to behavior; which influences how we think and feel.
M1- Evaluation
Biological factors and cognitive factors; explaining the impacts of schizophrenia and depression.
Biological - Depression
Genetic factors
There is a research (Zhang et al.2005) supporting that there is a mutation within the gene that decreases the serotonin in the brain which is a common factor found in depressed patients. Found to be ten times more effective to individuals that have contained it within their genes than patients that was not.
This gene erodes eighty percent of serotonin generated in the brain due to the presence of the mutant gene. The enzyme tryptophan hydroxlase-2; produces the serotonin levels in the brain. Caron et al had investigated that this gene was present within 9/87 patients with depression, with an exceptional 3/219 healthy controls. SSRI medication did not have a reaction with the medication as it did have an effect with the intake of

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