
Psalms 139: 13-8 Literary Styles

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Psalms 139:13-14 says “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” There are many different literary ways that God used to explain His Word to us. We all learn differently and understand things in different ways and He knows that. He has created styles that are better at conveying messages in different ways. There are different literary styles between different books of the Bible and sometimes within the same book.
Parables are known as a unique style of telling stories, which were used to illustrate a single point. Parables were often used by Jesus to help people understand and sometimes to …show more content…

These messages were often written to address matters and were scripted with an understanding of the problems being reviewed. The epistles were written out of love and with an attitude of authority, somewhat like a father admonishing his children. Paul often wrote epistles to the church espressing his love and admonishing them when they strayed from God’s word. Even to this day, we can still find timeless facts that apply to difficult issues that are faced today.
In the Bible God uses prophesies to foretell or proclaim His message. Almost every book in the Bible holds some kind of prophecy. A prophecy will have two purposes; the initial meaning which will shortly happen after the prophesy and the longer fulfillment. Because of the two-in-one purpose, when we read the biblical prophecy today, it is important to take into consideration how the intended audience took it. When we look at prophecies in this context it keeps us from mistaking the prophesies as something that will happen …show more content…

The Father is the source of all that exists, and He gives us two great commandments by which all should live by. Love the Lord your God with all thine heart and love our neighbors as ourselves. God created every person in His image and that he created relationships to be between one man and one woman. God uses marriage as a metaphor for His relationship with us. Marriage is designed to be monogamous, it is a covenant made before God that two people are committing to spend the rest of their lives

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