
Psychedelics Research Paper

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The complexity of psychedelics effects is confused with differents terms used to label the substance; hallucinogens, entheogens, psychedelics, and psychotomimetics. The relation between all these complex effects and the connection with the consciousness and brain physiology are possible because of psychedelics powerful chemicals to connect so perfectly with our brain. Should psychedelic drugs be legal? Why? To start off, Many users that try a form of psychedelics go through the process of seeking use or help of the experience or “trip”. A large group of users that use this substance don’t really go into the “trip” thinking they’re only ingesting it for “fun” or for whatever pointless reason would be. A colossal group of users goes into the …show more content…

Scientist Professor David Nutt who has dedicated his career to researching the confusion about psychedelics and mental and physical health benefits that users say it has. The professor has accomplished throughout his lifetime 27 books, 400 pages of original work discussing the topic, and 8 government reports. Throughout all the research based on psychedelics show that there are many beneficial effects that can occur such as triggering the creative part of the brain. Psychedelics seem to change all perception of reality; the track of time, or change all kinds of different dimensions in the brain. Aspects that tend to influence the user visually, spiritually and whatever helps you make sense of your life. However, of course, it’s not like these substances will save your life or make the superior to others but what they can offer is a helping hand in your personal life and realize things that you didn’t know before. Studies show that if people began being treated for addiction or depression with the use of psychedelics then the effect of say, a single dose therapy can offer a psychological change lasting for …show more content…

This is wrong because getting addicted to a psychedelic is almost zero to impossible. Psychedelics tend to build quite a fast tolerance, increasing the dosage doesn’t give much of an effect because people simply don’t feel the need to constantly be on the substance like cocaine, methamphetamine, crack, krokodil and noz users begin to get after being sober for a while. Cravings and withdrawals begin to occur to the user and fortunately, Psychedelics is one of those substances that doesn’t have any connection with withdrawal or addiction. Is it possible that one of “ the greatest threat facing the country today is possibly going to be more dangerous than the Vietnam war? Is it possible that these psychedelic drugs that are labeled as one of the most destructive and dangerous substances out there can actually make everyone’s life better? Over the past decades since the substance was first synthesized it’s be shown that psychedelics actually might be the opposite from being harmful. Scientists claim to have discovered hallucinogens can help sick people and erase possible alcohol

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