
Psychogenic Treatment

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Everybody’s chemical makeup is unique. Discovering how everyone functions is an interesting process involving many different techniques and tools. Throughout previous years, the evolution of treating mental illness has improved drastically due to new medicines, physical therapy, and treatment centers. However, there are still controversial methods used today, including the use of prescription drugs. Finding the best methods of treatment can take a long time because of how everyone reacts to new substances entering Their bodies. With new technology such as MRI and CT scans help identify where the issue is located, making it easier to find the right treatment. The first methods of treatment were simple and included three basic theories of the …show more content…

For example, someone who was too temperamental suffered from too much blood and thus blood-letting would be the necessary treatment. Psychogenic relates to traumatic or stressful experiences, maladaptive learned associations and cognitions, or distorted perceptions. The etiological theories determine the care and treatment the mentally ill receive. Though the Greek physician Galen (AD 130-201) rejected the notion of a wandering uterus, he agreed with the theory of an imbalance of the humors causing mental illness. Galen also opened the door for psychogenic explanations, however, by allowing the experience of psychological stress as a potential cause of abnormality. These theories were ignored for centuries as physicians attributed mental illness to physical causes throughout the most of the millennium. Beginning in the 13th century, mentally ill women were to be …show more content…

Also, there are many types of disorders to be picked from. Depression is one of the most major and easily identifiable, though people tend to hide it away. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. To trace it back in history, the first signs of it emerged around the 5th century B.C. and was originally called melancholia. At the time, it was considered to be a form of demonic possession only to be cured by noble priests. The first understandings were that it was a spiritual problem rather than a physical one. Literature of the time was filled with references to mental illness caused by spirits or demons. The early Babylonian, Chinese, and Egyptian civilizations also viewed mental illness as a form of demonic possession, and used exorcism techniques (such as beatings, restraint, and starvation) designed to drive demons out of the afflicted person's body as treatments. In one of hippocrates works, he recommended diet, exercise, distraction, travel, purgatives (cleansers that purge the body of toxins), bloodletting, herbal remedies, marriage, and even music therapy as

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