
Psychological Egoism

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Psychological Egoism claims that human beings are self-interested and every action a person performs focuses on that person’s own well-being and best interests. This is slightly different from Ethical Egoism, which is the belief that it is morally correct to always act in your own self-interest even if that requires actions that seem immoral. The Hobbesian Social Contract Theory assumes that psychological egoism is true, but that it is in a person’s best interest to follow and obey rules because that is what a rational person would do. This is because a rational person would choose to obey rules and live in a civilized world as opposed to always acting out of self-interest and living in what is referred to in the textbook as a “state of nature.” …show more content…

For example, a pre-med student may be motived to do well in his/her classes so that they will eventually achieve their goal of acceptance into medical school and hopefully secure a job. I think that it is part of human nature to look out for ourselves and want to succeed. I do not think, however, that this means that everyone is always motivated by self-interest or that we should always put ourselves above others. The social contract theory claims that self-interested individuals should look at morality as a “social contract” and honor it as long as it protects their own self- interest and as long as others are following it. I think that it does make sense for people to follow rules and want to live in a civilized way, but I do not think that morality can really be determined by a ‘social contract’ as there are several weaknesses and problems with this

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