
Psychological Empowerment, Emotional Intelligence And Professional Behavior Among Nurses Interns

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Psychological Empowerment, Emotional Intelligence and Professional Behavior among
Nurses Interns

Hind Abdullah Mohamed (1) Amal Sobhy Mahmoud (2) Salwa Ahmed (3)
(1) Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University. Egypt.
(2) Assistant Prof. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University Egypt
(3) Lecturer Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Beni Suif University. Egypt.

Correspondence Auther: Salwa Ahmed
Faculty of Nursing, Beni Suif University. Egypt.
E. Mail :
Mobile: 00201227797058


Background: Nursing as a profession requiring prolonged training and formal qualification. Therefore, nurses interns expected to …show more content…

Nurses interns need to push forward from acceptable level of emotional intelligence to high level to be more effective and enhance their professional behavior and performance.

Keywords: Psychological empowerment, emotional intelligence, professional behavior, nurses interns.

INTRODUCTION Internship is an important stage, whereas the student nurses are fresh and they as transparent materials. Internship is a real opportunity enables students to apply their knowledge to the real world. The experience will not only help them to develop the skills needed to work; working on real projects for a real organization will also give them the interpersonal skills that they need to work effectively with others — and confidence in their own abilities. (Laux and Mc Intosh, 2011).

It is the potential to increase the confidence and critical thinking of participants, to enhance knowledge, skills, and clinical competence, and to reduce stress and anxiety (Winslow, Almarode, Cottingham , Kim Lowry, Walker 2009 and Edwards, Hawker, Carrier, Rees. 2011). Moreover internship will enable students to work closely and develop professional working relationships, it allows students to explore all the possibilities and gain an unforgettable life experience, Internship year plays a vital role in preparing nursing students to the profession(

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