
Psychological Manipulation

Good Essays

Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics by advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at another's expense, such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive. The process of manipulation involves bringing an unknowing victim under the domination of the manipulator, often using deception, and using the victim to serve their own purposes. Psychological manipulation can be used by people with great power as well as the common individual to get people to do what they want.

First let’s list all the types of manipulation. 1.Express a desire to serve (show humility, care, love) they will …show more content…

In a psychologically coercive environment, the victim is forced to adapt in a series of small "invisible" steps. Each step is sufficiently small that the subject does not notice the changes or identify the coercive nature of the process until much later, if ever. These tactics can be reinforced in a group setting by well-intended, but deceived, "friends and allies" of the victim. (Good-cop/Bad-cop). This keeps the victim from setting up the ego defenses normally maintained in known adversarial situations. Psychological coercion overcomes the individual's critical thinking abilities and free will - apart from any appeal to informed judgment. Victims gradually lose their ability to make independent decisions and exercise informed consent. Their emotional defenses, cognitive processes, values, ideas, attitudes, conduct and ability to reason are undermined, and decisions are no longer through meaningful free choice, rationality, or the inherent merit or value of the ideas or propositions being presented. Coercive psychological systems violate our most fundamental concepts of basic human rights. They violate rights of individuals that are guaranteed by many declarations of principle worldwide. Victims become confused, intimidated and silenced by actions accepted as harmful, such as uncompromising influence, involuntary servitude, and infliction of emotional distress. The victim becomes compliant and brainwashed, Social and emotional isolation. Induced emotional exhaustion, Monopolization of perceptions, Reinterpretation of reality, Degradation/denial of the victim's power, Altered states of consciousness, and the powerful intermittent reward schedule: Occasional indulgences that keep hope alive that the abuse will

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