
Psychology Case Study Riley

Decent Essays

1. When we meet Riley, most of the time Joy is in charge of her thoughts and personality. Do you feel that you and/or others experience Joy more frequently? Why or Why not? What other feelings are most prevalent?
No I feel like joy is not the most prevalent emotion. “We feel happy or sad depending on how events influence the likelihood of our getting the things we want in life.” (pg.347) Even though we may feel joy a lot I believe that there are certain days where one emotion is dominant over the other and no one day is the same as the next. The events in your life that are going on through the day can make your emotions bounce all over.

2. Riley and her family go through a lot of changes when they move from Minnesota to San Francisco. …show more content…

Some memories are positive; others are painful recollections that we would rather forget.” (Psych Central News, 2015) Memories shape our past and how we remember things in the present. For example, “Depressed people recollect those negative memories and as a result they feel sad,” “And as a result of feeling sad, the tendency is to have more negative memories recollected. It’s a kind of a vicious circle.” (Psych Central News, 2015) With Riley she had memories of being goofy and every time her dad acted goofy she would act goofy too until it turned into a core memory and shaped her personality.

5. When Sadness touches one of the happy core memories, she colors it blue. What do you think is going on then? Is it possible that our current moods can color our past memories? Or how we define our personality?
Sadness is making a once happy memory have sadness now associated with it. Yes, our current moods can color our past memories. For example, if I have a friend who I had made happy memories with and over time we grow apart it could change them. When looking back and remembering the times we had together they could be sad now instead of happy.

6. Do you think that the core memories were changed forever or was there a temporary filter on them? Or do all core memories have multiple emotional aspects to them?

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