
Unconditional Positive Regard In Psychology Essay

Decent Essays

Psychology is all about human minds and how people behave. Psychology today are more based on social, lifespan development and personality. There are several parts of psychology, which individuals are more likely to involvement such as, unconditional positive, conformity and personality parenting styles. Unconditional positive regard is in roger’s theory that based on the child’s sense of being unconditionally loved and valued even if a child, do not conform to the standards and expectation of others. For example, when I was babysitting a child, I was able to disagree of child’s specific behavior without completely refusing the child himself. As a babysitter, I said to a child that I love her, nevertheless I cannot do what she like because it is not good behavior. The reason that this is an example of unconditional positive regard it is because the objectifying tendency is fully operational and she makes selections that move her in the way of greater growth and fulfillment of potential. According from Rogers, he believes that it is through consistent knowledge of unconditional positive regard that one develop a psychologically healthy and fully functioning person. Moreover, this was the only way which the child’s vital sense of self-worth can continue intact. Conformity is the tendency to regulate one’s behavior, attitudes, or beliefs to group norms in reply to real or imagined group pressure. For instance, in fall 2016, I was taking a mathematic course and our professor

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