
Psychology and Depression Essay

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Psychology and Depression

"Men pray to the gods for health and they ignore that it is in their power to have it." -Democritus
Depression is an illness, that strikes all ages, all races and all genders. It has no limit on how severe or how slight it will hit. Depression has been with us for as long as people have been around. In biblical times, depression was there, being noted several times in the Old Testament as "manic-depression." Hippocrates, a Greek physician, was the first man to write a medical description of the disease. He called it "melancholia", which means "a mental disorder". Depression is also proven to be a family thing. Professor Myrna …show more content…

Dr. Verny, co-author of "The Secret life of the Unborn Child", believes that mother to child bonding actually begins in the womb. Dr. Verny has a theory that the embryo can in fact have emotional problems, that come from the mother. How can this be? Dr. Verny explains, since the mother and the baby share everything, if the mother becomes depressed the baby can feel it. Since depression is a chemical off-balance in the head, the hormones that are in the blood stream are effected too. The imbalance hormones, travel to the baby through the blood, and thus the baby receives the hormones. Now the baby's hormones are imbalanced and the baby becomes depressed too. The baby can stay depressed in the womb, and even after its born. That's why psychiatrists, are now treating infant depression. Environmental Depression: Depression does not result only from psychological, and genetic matters. But in fact depression can also come from an environment. If a child's sibling is depressed, or a parent, the child becomes used to this depressive life, and slowly becomes depressed too.
The child could be perfectly happy, but because he/she is continually surrounded by depression, it becomes a way of life for the child too.
Risks of Depression: Their are a lot of risks when dealing with depression. From eating disorders to

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