
Psychopath Psychology

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The Psychological Mind Of A Psychopath The term Psychopath is used to describe viscous people who don’t feel and have a tendency to do unexpected things that can often be destructive and unpredictable. That’s why they have been a great interest to many people in the world to the point where they show up in movies, books, and TV shows. What makes them so interesting is the fact that they seem to be just regular people on the streets, and around normal people who would feel at ease with them and may sometimes be drawn to. In reality they lack emotions such as fear or distress, which leads them to do serious crimes such as murder and rape. Many are able to live within society. But psychologists are increasingly viewing psychopaths as less of a way of being, and more as a mental illness. We often relate psychopaths as criminals …show more content…

For as long as humans have walked this world, we have noticed that there are people who seem to have no souls or feelings. Now back in Aristotle’s time one of his students, Theophrastus, was most likely the first person to write about them, calling them “the unscrupulous.” No culture is immune to this unseen threat of a psychopathic person in their group. One of the modern fathers of the study of psychopathy, Hervey Cleckley, famously expressed an opinion that the Athenian general Alcibiades was probably a psychopath. And he also shared the same opinion on the Roman emperor Caligula. But psychopaths are not always high officials or ruler, but an ordinary folk. He also said that even the bible has psychopathic people in it with most of them coming from the Old Testament such as Cain. Cleckley wrote a lot about ordinary people he classified as having hash forms of psychopathy and whom he thought were unsuited to live a normal life in any

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