
Psychotropic Medication

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A major concern for children who are being treated with medications are that they are either being overprescribed or under prescribed (Rey & Sawyer, 2003). When prescribers have not had sufficient training in use of these medications, especially practicing on youth that are in underserved areas where access to prescribers with expertise in treating youth with psychopharmacology is extremely limited, they are at risk for being under or over prescribed. Medication may be overprescribed when there is insufficient attention paid to other supports and services that may benefit the youth, as well (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry’s Committee on Community-Based Systems of Care [AACAP], 2012). Another major concern for those who …show more content…

One of the benefits, as with any medication, being that the earlier in a child’s life the disorder is controlled or managed, the sooner they can lead a normal life. Treatment with psychotropic medications allows these youth to remain in their homes and schools and make best use of community treatment interventions and natural supports (Parens & Johnston, 2008).Looking further in detail, medication may improve the child’s quality of sleep, reduce stress, may prevent death and suicide risks, and aid in the benefit they get from cognitive or behavioral therapy. All in all, these factors lead to the child having a normal life, as well as the parent (AACAP, …show more content…

The use of the medications can be beneficial in aiding cognitive and behavioral therapies, but the risks in general, and worse for young children, can be harmful, that with an effective alternative available ( cognitive and behavior therapy) it seems more apparent to try the safer alternative. There is the possibility that therapy does not produce successful results, in which case you would want to try medications. Often, therapy is not the first option used for children, and they are quick to be put on medication without trying the alternative, which can produce the same, if not more, benefits as medication without most harmful side

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