
Ptsd In The Military

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Military. When one perceives this word, what does it imply? War, soldiers in uniform, ones that protect us and several more to mention. What apropos of, the wounded or the ones that come home from battle that suffer PTSD? The military utilizes different techniques to aid their members, by practicing complementary and alternative medicine, also known as CAM, to treat their soldiers. Not every wound is the same, not every traditional medicine works properly. Complementary and Alternative medicine, works either together with traditional medicine or works instead, but together they become Integrated medicine. The military employs this medicine with their wounded service members in all sorts of ways, including: yoga, acupuncture, service animals and several additional services. These are the services to support their soldiers, to live a convalescing and purposeful life. …show more content…

Therefore nulls the statement in the previous paragraph about promoting healing, proving that this is not effective at enhancing the healing for service members. Seeing that it has not been effective, the medical field is hesitant with going forward. The example in this case, the sniper that was murdered trying to help a soldier with PTSD, as a therapy session in a dangerous situation. Instead of in a controlled environment away from dangerous weapons. How is Complementary and Alternative medicine helping, when one needs serious medical treatment and therapies that are going to actually be of assistance. As it may be with the military status, one should not base their findings as productive without further

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