
Public Investment And City Level Differences

Better Essays

Suzanna Alsayed
SOCI 3636 Social Inequality
Professor Joanna Robinson
October 5th 2015
Opportunities For The Better Social policy encompasses more than just income, job security, health care; it also provides the public with opportunities to improve their quality of life (Zuberi 2006, 113). The critical response will draw from two publications: first from “Public Investment and City-Level Differences” by Dan Zuberi in Difference That Matter: Social Policy and the Working Poor in the United States and Canada. In this segment, Zuberi examines and compares the quality of life of hotel employees in two neighborhoods: Vancouver and Seattle. He specifically analyzes how “[...] high-quality public transit, parks and community recreation, urban …show more content…

The short response will elaborate on specific factors - such as school/education opportunities, public transit, and employment - to demonstrate how they have an impact on people 's lives and how they and the community perceive their circumstances. It is important to note that employment opportunities are not as readily available as in the past, and it is with greater difficulty that people earn a living. Therefore, many individuals and families have come to rely on social services to help them meet every day needs. By analyzing both readings, one gains an opportunity to comprehend how social services affect quality of life and various individuals on different levels. Social services, provided by the government or the community, have the capacity to help people progress in their current environment and discover new opportunities for themselves and their families. It is a hypothesis proven by sociologists who have researched the effects that community services and civil institutions have on various neighborhoods (Zuberi 2006, 113). Access to adequate education also plays a significant role in affecting quality of life, as it provides individuals with the opportunity to further themselves in various fields, and in turn allow them to seek employment in the area of their interest. Consequently, it is of utmost importance to provide social services that will

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