
Stakeholders In Public Policy Essay

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Stakeholders have an imperative role in public policy. They hold an interest in how a program is operating (266). They do not just apply to corporate America, but various places that people think of. They are present almost everywhere and everyone is stakeholder, whether it is a job, a school or in the government. A school could be a considered a program. A teacher is a stakeholder as teachers have an inducement to have high achieving in their classrooms because they could be denied tenure and the identical principle applies from the principals to the superintendents of school systems. Their jobs depend on their specific workstations to thrive. A student could be an additional stakeholder as how the school performs could establish what skills they attain in the real world. Without well-performing schools, students will not absorb skills that are needed for surviving in the real world. Stakeholders can be countless well as they hold companies and institutions accountable, but can be destructive to a company as many times they may embolden behaviors that are not entirely ideal. There are voluminous types of stakeholders that perform many duties and have different types of responsibilities, but there are six main ones that are well known. The six main types of stakeholders are policymakers, program sponsors, evaluation sponsor, program managers and practitioners, program targets and other people involved (266) .One well-liked program that is beloved by the American people is

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