
Pueblo Revolt Research Paper

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Many revolts have occurred throughout history, and all of them with great cause. The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 is no exception. The one aspect about this revolt which makes it special, is the fact it happened over 80 years after the Spanish occupied their land. This fact alone raises many questions, but it is more important to know why the Pueblo revolted in the first place. As with any debate, there are a variety of different answers. Some authors argue the sole reason for revolting was religious based, while others argue it was the Spanish’s cruelty and loss of authority. When it comes to reviewing other authors work, it is important to consider the type of evidence they use to support their claim. Taking everything into consideration, the most …show more content…

In addition to working, Spanish priests established missions and demanded the Pueblos to abandon their religion and convert to Christianity. Although the Pueblo Indians outnumbered the Spanish, they tolerated these conditions for over 80 years (Weber, 3). By the 1600s, New Mexico became the center for missionary activity. Despite this, the missionary work and farming were all dependent upon Pueblo labor. Approaching 1680, the Pueblo population began to dwindle from 60,000 in the 1600s to 17,000 in 1680. Pueblo towns were separated by hundreds of miles and six languages while also having no central government to bring them together. Up until the revolt, Spanish rewards and punishment kept the Pueblo Indians in line and gave them incentive to obey. In addition, the Spanish also brought new items such as crops, animals, and tools as well as protection. In 1680, secret calendars from messengers planned on rebelling August 11, messengers were intercepted August 9 so the rebellion was moved a day up (Weber, 5). It was estimated around four hundred of New Mexico’s Hispanic and killed twenty-one of the thirty-three Franciscans. This revolt would later be known as “the Great Southwestern Revolt”. In addition to the carnage inflicted upon the Spanish, the rebellion influenced several others across Northern New Spain in the same decade (Weber, 6). It would not be until 12 years later until the Spaniards were able to regroup and reconquer the Pueblos, but the message was still received (Weber,

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