
Punishment That Befits The Sin Essay

Good Essays

Myles P. Toe
Professor Cynthia Gaw
World literature
11 November 2016
Punishment that Befits the Sin
Dante’s Inferno originally named The Divine Comedy or in modern Italian The Commedia , follows the contemporary Christian ethos by showing how the consequences of man are equal to their sins; passed upon them in death. The physical sins that man does on earth if not repented of, will then become their eternal consequence in Hell. Dante shows us in his travels through the circles of hell how this suffering is the direct and equal result of their earthly sins. The sins of the cowardice, the lustful, gluttonous, greedy, angry, heretical, violent, fraudulent and treacherous have their bodies in constant pain equivalent of the actions of their human bodies on earth. The thesis of this paper is to show how physical pain enacted upon corporeal bodies in hell, are the logical consequence of sin on earth. I will show this by citing examples of sinners featured in The inferno that are tortured for the sins in their respective layer of hell. The Inferno is based directly upon Dante’s devout catholic nature. The inferno is mixed with the bible, roman Catholicism, mythology and medieval tradition with a direct influence of 14th century roman Catholicism. The passage concerning purgatory is a direct indoctrination from roman Catholicism and is not found anywhere in the bible. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches:
“All who die in God’s grace, but still imperfectly purified,

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