
Pure Capitalism Is Not A Good Form Of Government

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Pure capitalism is a free enterprise or private enterprise economic system based on the private ownership of individuals. It is important to know why pure capitalism is the best form of government and why it is not. First we can talk about why pure capitalism is a good form of government. Pure capitalism allows economic freedom, if the government owns the means of production and sets the prices this can lead to them having way too much control or create a large bureaucracy. Another reason why pure capitalism is beneficial is because it helps keep businesses efficient. Firms in a capitalist society need to be efficient when producing goods that are demanded. Finally, it helps keep our economy growing. In an economy like this hardworking individuals get rewarded for the effort, production, and performance they put into their everyday jobs. Now we will be talking about why pure capitalism is not a good form of government. …show more content…

A monopoly is the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service. This can cause the industries to charge people more money for their productions. Another reason is because private property or inherited wealth will not be able to be passed onto future generations. Many capitalist argue that a capitalist society is fair because rich people become rich because of their hard work, but many families become wealthy because they have relatives that pass down their businesses or pass down their wealth. Finally, this type of government will create a money oriented economy, businesses will start to focus too much on making a profit, Therefore they will create goods only if people are able to pay for

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