
Purpose Of Revenge In Hamlet

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Revenge is the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for a wrong suffered at their hand. In other words, revenge isn't truly carried out unless the person seeking revenge is punished for it. Hamlet having to deal with the purpose of revenge and deciding whether or not to kill Claudius. Even though revenge might seem good, but in the long run, it really does hurt everything and everyone. Hamlet had to deal with a man who killed his father and then married his mother which lead him to pursue a life of vengeance.

Hamlet’s life at the beginning starts off at the university where his studies are interrupted by his father’s death. With this Hamlet becomes very perturbed because the specter of Hamlet’s deceased father appears to him and claims to have been murder by Claudius. After this, his life only becomes more confusing, with everything around him changing. Hamlet wasn't a man of revenge, he was not entirely certain whether the ghost is what it appears to be, or whether it is something else. He was waiting for the perfect time to seize any information on his uncle’s to test guilt. The prince begins to speculate that the ghost might be a devil sent to deceive him and tempt him into murder. In the article “Hamlet: Overview” William O'Neill states that “Just as Shakespeare humanises the villain by giving Claudius a ruler's poise and affability and by endowing him with a conscience, however feeble, Hamlet is interesting and attractive because he is not the simple revenger

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