
Putin In The Prince

Decent Essays

Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince discusses the qualities a ruler should uphold to result in an effective authority. Machiavelli shares his opinion on how a ruler should handle war, their image, and their citizens. Even though The Prince was written in 1513, the attributes stated in the text can be observed in modern day politicians. The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is one example. Putin’s character and domestic policies resemble a deep comparison to a few of the ideas in Machiavelli’s work. One of the first principles Machiavelli enforces is a leader’s focus on war and military. A prince should always be prepared for war and have a strong military available. Putin has made it very important to expand Russian military; it is now one of the most powerful militaries in the world. To …show more content…

“The prince secures himself this by avoiding being hated or despised and by keeping people satisfied with him; this is a necessary matter, as was treated above at length.” (Machiavelli 232) Putin is very popular with his Russian residents, holding an eight-nine percent approval rating. He is currently serving his third term as president of Russia, after serving one term as the country’s prime minister. It is clear the country certainly does not despise Putin. His constituents greatly support his beliefs and policies. In The Prince, Machiavelli discusses “whether it is better to be loved than to be feared”. He draws the conclusion that is safer if a prince is feared rather than loved. “Fear is held together by a dread of punishment which will never abandon you.” (Machiavelli 228) Vladimir Putin is noted as one of the “World’s Most Powerful People” by Forbes. Putin portrays a dry and emotionless image in public. Necessarily, this does not result in fear in others. It sets a sense of mandatory respect from citizens, rather than

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