
Qing Dynasty Research Paper

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The Qing Dynasty occurred in China from 1644 to 1911. It came about because the Mongolians invaded Beijing. They ruled over and became the Manchu Dynasty. China was going through a time that treated women badly, bad living conditions, wars and humiliating treaties that showed their weakness towards the invaders. The Geographical Position of China, surrounded by mountains, a desert, a sea and a dense jungle meant they were isolated. This caused them to be very independent and not to be influenced by other societies because it took forever to enter China (Darlington, 2012). China was surrounded by these geographical landscapes which was the reason they did not modernise till the foreigners arrived. The Chinese believed that because they have survived this long without any assistance, they could keep going without any help from the outside. The Portuguese, however, followed the Chinese junks back from the Spice Islands to China and asked if they could trade with the Chinese. The Chinese accepted but they wanted the Portuguese to perform Kowtow, to kiss the …show more content…

Women were treated horribly because of their reputation for being useless and were put below everyone else in society. This led to Chinese girls being put below their brothers because of their low status in society. Only rich children were educated and they were educated through the religious beliefs of Confucianism. Poor children were forced to do manual labour to help the family. In bad times, the son was always seen to be more important, therefore being helped through and girls were completely forgotten about. Foot binding was a practice carried out to allow women to marry into a rich family. Without bound feet, women weren't seen to be beautiful. Religion was also independent and went by the five virtues of Confucianism. Humanity, Honesty, Knowledge, Integrity and Manners. This showed lack of women consideration, lack of education and had to

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