
Queen Elizabeth 1 Research Paper

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Queen Elizabeth - The Mother of England Elizabeth Tudor could not have become Queen of England at a better time; people were being burned for their beliefs, riots were dominating the streets, and the country’s citizens were rebelling against the monarch. It seemed as though England would never be restored to its previous state, successful and respected, until Queen Elizabeth succeeded her half-sister Mary and reformed England in political, economical, and social ways no one ever thought possible. Queen Mary Tudor had left the country in shambles for Elizabeth to put back together. She had married the Catholic ruler of Spain and only had correlations with Spain and Rome, so England desperately needed to get back on the map. Queen Elizabeth …show more content…

As England watched Spain claim the Netherlands, the Queen wished to have the Dutch on her side for battle necessities, but soon realized the country’s treasury was almost empty. Just when England needed it most, Sir Francis Drake came home from a 3 year long expedition of searching Spain in secret to gather long lost fortunes and jewels (Green 32). Although Drake had provided England with some temporary financial stability, he had also stirred the people in frenzy. Commoners decided to go off on their own and steal Spaniards belongings and ships with what they thought was the Queen’s blessing, but they were sadly mistaken. This wrong deed would cause England to finally battle off in war against Spain (Green 36). As one can imagine, this would certainly add to the rise and fall of England’s economical …show more content…

One way that helped England prosper not only economically, but politically, was the renewing of international trade and the starting of big businesses like the British East India Tea Company that soon would flow in a tremendous chunk of income. Another tactic that would affect England in multiple views was the broadening of the English spectrum and eliminating any competitors that seemed threatening (Sywgart). The victories from wars added to their favor, but just as they could win, they could also be defeated. Not only would ships or other resources be lost, but money and lives as

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