
Queer Bodies : Sexualities, Genders, And Fatness

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Queer Bodies: Sexualities, Genders, & Fatness in Physical Education is a research based novel by Heather Sykes. Sykes is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto and specializes in educational studies and physical education (Sykes, 2011). Heather Sykes is published in a variety of academic journals for her research in critically analyzing issues of gender, sexuality and fatness in physical education as well as sports sociology. Her book, Queer Bodies: Sexualities, Genders, & Fatness in Physical Education was published in 2011 by Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. based out of New York, New York. Despite being published by an American publication company, the bulk of Sykes’s research comes from Canadian citizens who identify as having queer bodies. Throughout the novel, Sykes uncovers various issues within physical education surrounding queer bodies such as harassment, humiliation, and being an outcast. She challenges the traditional values and curriculum used in physical education courses, and provides insight to better serve queer bodies in physical education.
The true purpose of Queer Bodies: Sexualities, Genders, & Fatness in Physical Education is to shed light on how students who identify as queer bodied maneuver through physical education courses in school. Over the course of her book, Sykes examines each issue of gender, sexuality, and fatness separately and analyzes each population individually, providing insight to each specific queer bodied group. A ‘queer body’

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