
Questions And Answers In Mathematics

Satisfactory Essays

7 Nelenora-3 Nelenora show a proficient understanding of terms covered this far in math. Nelenora stays on task during class and completes assignments on time. It is important that Nelenora slows down when writing exams. Often she rushes through and misses important parts of the questions. I will continue to prompt Nelenora to slow down and carefully read each question. Kessler-4 Kessler shows an excellent understanding of terms covered this far in math. He has been working diligently to complete tasks in class. Sometimes Kessler lacks confidence in math and gets upset when the work becomes challenging. I often need to remind Kessler that its okay to struggle. If Kessler’s positive work ethic persists into the next unit, he will have …show more content…

Hannah is an active participant in classroom discussions and often shares her thoughts, as well as, experiences with the class. Hannah often works independently on topics as she has been giving the opportunity to work ahead of the class. When Hannah is completed each unit she is able to work on her Genius Hour project. Keep is up Hannah! Keisha-3 Keisha demonstrates a proficient understanding of terms covered this far in math. She uses her time well in class and completes her work. If Keisha does not understand a topic, she struggles with seeking additional help. Asking for help or clarification will benefit Keisha in the upcoming term. Abram-4 Abram demonstrates an excellent understanding of terms covered this far in math. He works hard in class and uses his time efficiently. Often Abram rushes through exams and does not go over his work. It is important that Abram seeks assistance if he does not understand what the question is asking him. This will benefit Abram in the upcoming term. Trista-4 Trista shows an excellent understanding of terms covered this far in math. During the creation of a math worksheet Trista’s deep understanding was evident, as she created insightful and challenging questions for her class. Trista works hard in math class and uses her time effectively. 8 Judieth-4 Judieth shows an excellent understanding of terms covered this far in math. She uses her work time effectively and puts effort into her work. It

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