
Questions On Manorialism For The Security Of The People Of Medieval Europe

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Part A-Document Questions:
Document 1: A: How did feudalism provide for the security of the people of medieval Europe?
In the feudal system Knights provided protection and military service to the nobles and to the rest of the kingdom
Document 2: A: How was manorialism different from feudalism?
The manor was a largely self-sufficient system in which the lord’s land was farmed by his serfs. The manor included not just farmers but also artisans who provided for the needs of the manor.
B: Hoe did medieval farmers deal with the problem of soil exhaustion?
The medieval farmers had multiple fields in order to grow their crops, one field was used for planting in the fall, the next was used for planting in the spring, and the last field has nothing. Every year they would rotate the crops so the spring plants would go in the fall field and the fall crops would go in the field that had nothing the previous year. …show more content…

The Church would accept gifts from individuals who wanted special favors or wanted to be certain of a place in heaven. The gifts included land, flocks, crops, and even serfs. It allowed the Church to become very powerful and they often used this power to influence kings to do as the Church wanted Document 4:
A: How might increased trade with China and the Middle East have impacted later medieval society which had previously been so isolated?
Increase in trade with China could have opened up to new opportunities of trade between the countries and increased the Middle East’s socialization with other people. Document 5: A: What does the Code of Chivalry tell us about medieval values in general?
It tells us that knights had to be loyal to God and to defend the Church from any enemies that may try to take the power of the

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