
Medieval Knights Research Paper

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Knights, were from the medieval era. At age twelve or thirteen a boy born in to nobility would become a squire. They became assistants to knights, they would look after the knight's armor and weapons. They would be able to follow the knight in to battle and learn the use of the weapons. When the knights were in tournaments, the squire was the only person allowed to help him. Once the squire was old and skilled enough, he would become a knight himself. Knights were usually vassals who decided to fight for higher lords in exchange for protection. They were considered to be in the nobility class. They were usually just military officers. Knights were noblemen who rode on horseback and they followed the strict military code of chivalry, the code demanded that a knight was to obey his lord, to help people, be brave, show respect to women, and honor the church. Many of the good manners today come from the code of Chivalry. …show more content…

The castle would usually be built on higher ground to see enemies coming from below. This would also help to build a moat, the drawbridge would be the only pathway from the land to the castle. The castle would have multiple stories from basements to dungeons. The toilet would be built at the bottom story to let the waste go down into the water below. In the beginning, knights usually wore armor made of metal chains. Later on, metal armor became more efficient. The armor was used to protect different parts of the body. The first type of armor used by the knights was chain mail and a helmet. It was then useless when the crossbow was invented. Next, came the suit made of metal plates, it covered the whole body from head to toe. The pieces of the armor included the helmet for the head, the cuisse used to cover the thigh, the greave covers ankle to knee, the visor used to let the knight see, and many other

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