
Questions and Answers on the Foundations of Singing

Decent Essays

1. How does the speaking voice influence the singing voice?
I cannot tell you the number of times that I have had vocal teachers tell me that they cannot believe how high I can sing after hearing my speaking voice. Many vocal professionals tell me that I must be an alto and I have had many vocal issues. I have been told it is because teachers are pushing my voice to high and the opposite that it is because I speak too low. I blame it on being a very unhealthy human being. “Research has shown a correlation between the speaking and singing voices” (Phillips, 236). Poor speaking habits can lead to poor singing habits, which can lead to vocal problems. Many cases of vocal nodules have been reported in children as a result of poor speaking habits. Singing and speaking have similar physiology, which can make it difficult for students that have a poor speaking voice to then go onto having a good singing voice. The speaking voice is learned young in students and often times music teachers do not have any control over it. When the students reach our classrooms it is our job to almost reteach students how to speak so that they can sing properly. Otherwise, many of the students will develop problems that they will work on fixing for the rest of their lives. I am still working on posture and how not to bring muscle into my singing voice, since I use muscle in my speaking voice.
3. How do the vocal folds work, and what muscles produce pitch in the singing voice? The vocal

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