
Quotes From 'The Grapes Of Wrath'

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“He dragged the last smoke from his raveling cigarette and then, with callused thumb and forefinger, crushed out the glowing end.” (11)

The narrator describes Tom’s actions in chapter 2. This is during the first time the reader meets Tom. The seemingly unimportant action of smoking is actually a symbol. Whenever Tom smokes or talks about tobacco something bad happens shortly after. In this case, he finds out his family has driven off their land. The cigarette is an important plot device to help move the story and warn the reader that hardship is to come.
“How can we live without our lives? How will we know it’s us without our past? No. Leave it. Burn it… Can you live without the willow tree? Well, no, you can’t. The willow tree is you. The pain on the mattress there-- that dreadful pain-- that’s you.”(88-89)

In chapter 9, the narrator talk about this interesting concept of living without your life. Later when Grandpa dies, Casy echoes this same idea.Casy says that …show more content…

This was after Tom’s first run in with a Californian deputy. A man he had met named Floyd had mouthed off which to the deputy was reason to arrest him. Tom had broken parole to trip the deputy and help Floyd. This helps demonstrate a recurring theme of corruption. The police are corrupted because they don’t work with the law. To them, the law is whatever they want it to be. This isn’t the first show of corruption throughout the book. The salesmen selling faulty cars and scamming people are a good example as well. The large farm owners show corruption as well. They send out handbills looking for desperate men. The more desperate the man, the lower the wages they have to pay. This quote also shows another theme which is perseverance. Tom explains how the police are trying to break them, trying to suppress any form of resistance in them. Despite all the hardships the Joads have faced, they have persevered through all of them, including the injustice of the

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