
RD Legal Funding

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Victims of the 9/11 attacks faced serious physical and mental struggles including, money loss in the compensation fund. Roni Dersovitz, the founding attorney of RD Legal Funding which took money from thousands of victims. Kaja Whitehouse of the New York post discussed the corrupt process of funding. There is also an investigation of RD Legal Funding about misusing money from two funds. RD Legal Fund was a corrupt organization for people involved with 9/1.
RD Legal Funding was accused of defrauding money from two accounts by withdrawing money from them since 2011. The company all lied to the investors both “written” and “oral” which shows how untrustworthy RD legal really is. The LLC was also charged with investing 60% of the funds benefits …show more content…

Whitehouse discusses how RD Legal worked; first they go after people who have received large amounts of money (i.e. NFL players, Compensation Victims). Second, RD Legal offers investors payment upfront as long as the investors pays the Funding Company back over time. The corruption of this operation was the continuous rise of interest for paying back the loan. Some people claimed, it was, “more than twice what ROAD Legal had advanced only months earlier”. Whitehouse shared a one woman’s struggle with the corruption of the RD Legal system and suffered through the 9/11 attacks. A woman was given sixty-five thousand and gained eighteen thousand from ROAD Legal but, was forced to pay back fifteen thousand dollars a few months later. This proves that R D Legal is a corrupt organization that only cares about money not helping people in serious situations. In conclusion, RD Legal Fund was a corrupt organization for people involved with 9/11. RD Legal was unding investion when being accused that involved lying to the investor and fraud of investors money. An article written by Kaja Whitehouse also expressed the corruption by explaining the process of how RD Legal makes all of its money. Whitehouse shared a story about a 9/11 victim who was traumatized by the attack and was taken advantage of, financially,

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