
Raccoon Habits

Satisfactory Essays

This story is about a young man who was very intelligent, acute and astute. He is studying in a law school at the University of Minnesota and living with his roommate named, Petey Bellows. Petey is a nice young man, emotional type, attracts to latest fashion trends but an unintelligent person. One day, he heard Petey lying on a bed, mumbling saying he wants a raccoon coat like the All Big Men on campus wear. He doesn’t want raccoon coats because it is unsanitary, sheds, and smell bad. He remembered that his father has a raccoon coat, laying in a trunk in attic. He wants it to give to Petey but there is something he wants too. He wants a girlfriend that he will marry. There is one thing that Petey has, his first one to take for a date, Polly

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