
Race: An Evaluation of Science Against Society Essay

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Race: An Evaluation of Science Against Society

Race as a social construct has a negative effect on society since its creation. Evolving from honest curiosity, science allowed for the desires of oppressive society to speak rather than the truth. Decades of misuse and misunderstanding of this term explained with wrongful biological terms can now stop. By acknowledging the misuse of ‘race’ through the examination of it used in such arbitrary manners shows its inherent flaws. In order to mediate this issue of incorrect usage, a new biological approach becomes more than appropriate. Genotype rather than phenotypic information ought to define race. In doing so, perhaps, the term race will better society by focusing on creating medicine based …show more content…

When asked to predict whose genotype would be the closest to their own, each student chose a student with similar phenotypic characteristics. Once the results arrive, the predictions of the students fail. A black female has a closer match to a white male than a black male, in terms of genotypes. If this were more common knowledge, the fact that physical features do not necessary equate to our former classifications of race, many Americans might well be shaken from their dogmatic slumber. In order to wake Americans, a new scientific approach is in order. By examining specific traits in the human genome, new inferences can be made.

Using this new scientific approach, the current accepted cultural notion of race ought to shift. One can no longer base or classify one ‘race’ from another based on phenotypic occurrences. Genes hold the key. By understanding how genes connect us all except for a few minute differences of superficial appearance, demonstrates that race as a social construction is no longer useful. Scientific American gives us tangible evidence when it states “individuals from different populations are, on average, just slightly more different from one another than are individuals from the same population” (81). Someone who shares your same cultural traditions based on geographical location can differ genotypically more than someone from another region. The utility of race was once to separate and control the ‘different

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