
Race And Gender Politics : Purple Hibiscus

Satisfactory Essays

My argument in this essay is that race and gender politics shapes African women’s lives in the novel, Purple Hibiscus. There are three analytical dimensions that I discovered in this novel. In beginning to research the significance of race and gender politics in the African women lives, I expect to learn about, and document, the daily experience of colonialism and the ways gender politics might be crosscut by other axes of difference and inequality of class and culture. From there, I hoped to comprehend how gender politics was a reflection of Nigerian politics and its gender perceptions in the social structure as a whole. As my work proceeded, however, a third dimension of analysis became equally significant, for it became clear that, as much as African women in this novel speak from physical environments shaped by race, there is also an element of silence, censorship and domestic violence.
The narrative of this novel, the setting takes place during a time of religious fundamental that has a last effect on the narrative voice of the novel. This novel voice comes from the perspective of Kambili, and from that aspect, you establish an account of the effects of colonialism and its complex nature. This is researched from three characters; Papa-Nnukwu, Papa and Father Amadi. According to Papa, colonialism is seen in a positive light and a means to a higher standard of living and higher education. Papa-Nnukwu is polar opposite in terms of colonialism as a negative force

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