
Race And Social Class Inequality Essay

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Race+Social Class+Economic Class=Value? As shown throughout history, race and social class have played a large role in determining people’s values—this is based on the specific culture and the societal values fostered by their environment. In the case of the United States, as a result of the enslavement of people of color, white people were seen to have the most “value”. The higher up socio-economically white people were, the more they were considered valuable. In the 1920’s, racism was still enforced by laws (such as Jim Crow) and this idea of blackness correlating with no value was emphasized by society through segregation and stigma stemming from slavery. One way that people of color went around their race during this time period to escape the prejudice that correlated was through the method of passing as white. This method and its implications can be seen in Nella Larsen’s Passing through looking at the characters Irene Redfield and Clare Kendry, who mobilize themselves on each side of the color line. In the novel, Irene and Clare have very different reasons for passing—Irene passes for convenience, while Clare passes to alter her lifestyle and identity completely. This shift in identity as a means of changing societal implications aligns with “Women on the Market” by Luce Irigaray, which sheds light on the idea of the exchange of women. According to Irigaray, women are commodities—their value is dependent on their social, economic, and marital statuses. The most

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