
Race, Religion, And Identity Through The Events Of An Explosive And Unforgettable Dinner Party

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The Pulitzer prize-winning play Disgraced explores the difficult topics of race, religion, and identity through the events of an explosive and unforgettable dinner party. The tension in this play is electric and masterfully intertwined with snippets of comic relief. Combine these elements with a set of accomplished actors and the wonderful location of the Goodman Theatre in Chicago, and you have an excellent thought-provoking and entertaining play. During the performance, I paid specific attention to the acting skills of the performers, the arrangement of the set, the lighting techniques, and the directorial choices, most of which added to the performance as a whole.
The actors in the play were very skillful, and I found that most of …show more content…

Furthermore, I found this comedic relief to be very integral to the play as a whole. Without it, audience members might feel uncomfortable because of the prevailing serious, dark tone of the play.
Also, all of the actors made smart choices about when to raise their voice, and when not to. This play deals with the serious topics of race, religion, and politics, heated topics that people tend to have emotional responses to. With this is mind, this play could have easily become a screaming match, each character yelling louder than the other to get their point across or convey their anger. Instead, I noticed that each actor made calculated choices about when to truly raise their voice. For example, when Isaac asked Amir if he felt pride on September 11, Isaac was not yelling. Instead, he was speaking very deliberately with a low voice and a grave tone. This choice conveyed anger and disgust effectively without yelling. Conversely, when Amir questioned Isaac about feeling pride when Israel had a military success, Isaac burst out yelling and criticizing Amir’s point of view. The actor’s choice conveyed that Amir had pushed too many buttons. Isaac could no longer restrain the intense anger hiding behind his “guest-at-a-party” façade.
The arrangement of the set also added to my enjoyment of the play. To expand, the characters did not utilize the whole stage, specifically the downstage space. Instead, the

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