
'Race in America' Critique

Decent Essays

Dr. Engel
ENG 201-06
24 February 2014
“Race in America: ‘We Would Like to Believe We Are Over the Problem’” Critique In her piece for the Catholic weekly publication America, “Race in America: ‘We Would Like to Believe We Are Over the Problem’,” Maryann Cusimano Love responds to a comment made by Delegate Frank D. Hargrove Sr. and discusses the still prevalent issue of racism in the United States of America. Love provides many facts and figures in obstruction to Delegate Hargrove’s belief that the blacks in America need to move past the grudge of slavery because it is not an issue today. Love obviously disagrees with his statement and spends the majority of the article arguing why he is wrong, as well as providing her solution to the …show more content…

The connection between these two topics is vague and the lines of logic that are assumed connect the two are left unexplained. Love’s balance of the different ideas of her thesis is uneven, making some aspects of it ineffective. She spends the majority of the article stating facts and figures that she believes support her argument. The solution she gives is short, shallow, and is summed up in one sentence. It sounds as though Love is not as concerned with providing a key to peace as she is with bringing to attention to “unfairness” of certain parts of American society. Again, the meat of her writing is intended to manipulate the emotions and cloud the reasoning of readers. Although Love brings many pieces of evidence to the forefront in an attempt to show the racism that still exists in the United States of America, she does so shallowly and manipulatively in order to support her weak and poorly developed argument. I agree with Love in her opinion that racism is still an issue in our country today, but not for the reasons she provides. I believe that had she used fewer statistics, had cited those statistics more, and had relied more on a solution to this problem, it would have been a more convincing stance. Also, her deceptive interpretation of Delegate Hargrove’s statements was completely off - putting for me. Yes, I think that his

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