
Racial Aspects Of The Civil War

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Racial Aspects of the Civil War 1 April 30, 1866, four police officers encountered several blacks walking on Causey Street in Memphis, Tennessee. The officers forced the blacks off the sidewalk; one black stumbled and fell tripping an officer. The Police then drew their pistols and began to beat the blacks. The riot started the next day, when police officers attempted to arrest two former black soldiers. 2 It is said that nearly fifty blacks attempted to prevent the officer from jailing the ex-soldiers. “Accounts vary as to who began the shooting, but the altercation that ensued quickly involved more and more of the city.” White rioters burned a Freedmen’s schoolhouses, black homes, and even churches. May 3rd marked the end of the riots, Forty-six blacks died, and 285 people were injured. “Over one hundred houses and buildings burned down as a result of the riot and the neglect of the firemen.” 2 The New Orleans Massacre was just another example of the bestial attitudes of the ex-confederates toward the blacks. Before the riot started in front of the Mechanics Institute, where white and black delegates were to meet for the Louisiana Constitutional Convention, 130 black citizens marched towards the Mechanics Institute. The Mayor at the time, Mr. John T. Monroe, rallied a mob of ex-confederates and white supremacists to stop the delegates from meeting. After reaching a distance of only a few blocks apart, shots rang out but the two groups continued advancing.

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