
Racial Bias In America

Decent Essays

ATTENTION: How is justice presented in our society? No one likes to be treated unjustly. No matter what your race may be or what gender you are; everyone should be treated fairly. For the world to have a moral society, people have to see each other without a sense of bias. When people base their opinions on one aspect of a person, they begin to judge them and look down on them. Justice can be apprehended when everyone is seen as equal and human, no matter what race or gender. The concept of stereotyping places a false impression on a group of people and makes others see them differently than who they are. If people would push back the assumptions that all people who have the same beliefs or ideas are exactly alike, everyone would be viewed …show more content…

We have come to a time where laws are applied to all citizens, regardless of race. In this day and age, African Americans have the same positions and occupations as whites do. This is a breakthrough in history. “More than 20% of the Black working population over 16 years old are employees of the federal, state, or local government which is just over 5% higher than the national average” ("BlackDemographics”). African Americans are allowed to apply for jobs anywhere, and it is a crime to turn someone down because of their race. To prove the fact that they have the same just rights, our president since 2009 is an African American. On November 2, 2009, the day President Obama was elected president, so millions of people rallied to celebrate the occasion of the first black president. Among these people were Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and Asians, all together. And on January 20, when President Obama and his family walked into the White House “it will mark an event that few, if any, Black American of the civil rights era thought possible” (Miah). Having an African American president contradicts the thought that Blacks are looked down upon in America. This is an example of a just society, because it shows fair rights being applied and shows that racial bias is fading. Other examples, such as a variety of races in law enforcement and government, show people that America allows everyone no matter what race to be treated justly and fairly. And it is this just society that each individual is seeking to ultimately live with a feeling of

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