
Racial Cognition And The Ethics Of Implicit Bias

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Self-awareness can be defined as the understanding of one’s own character and actions. By being self-aware, people can better understand their own circumstances and the circumstances of others. However, people are often unconsciously swayed towards making biased choices because they do not recognize external or internal factors that affect their decision making. By being self-aware of these various external and internal factors, people can make more accurate decisions regarding a scenario because they recognize the existence of these biases or factors. Furthermore, the ability to be self-aware indicates that an individual has a high capacity for empathy because they can understand other people’s situations, which is the definition of empathy. …show more content…

One such scenario is the candidate hiring process where candidates with white sounding names received up to 50% more callbacks than candidates with black sounding names. The paper goes on to explain how the Implicit Association Test, IAT, demonstrates the subtle racial biases that many people have. Since individuals are often unaware of their implicit biases, the paper suggests that self-awareness is necessary to correct for the hidden factors in one’s own environment. One way they suggest fixing this problem is by simply being aware that one has these racial biases, also known as self-awareness. They provide an example where a person had read a psychology paper reporting that people in their profession are subject to certain kinds of racially biased behavior. The person was then inserted in the same scenario a few days later, and adjusted their behavior or actions to compensate for the racial bias they read about. When the person corrects his or her actions to incorporate the racial bias, he or she is more likely to give a more accurate assessment of the situation. This is because they are now self-aware of hidden biases that could negatively influence their …show more content…

In one experiment, involving various bad smells, it was noted that the participants that had been exposed to a mild-stink or strong-stink smell were more severe in their moral judgements than participants exposed to no bad smell. In all four experiments, the same results were obtained, participants that felt disgust were likely to be more severe in their judgments. This paper concludes that participants who believe in their intuitions were often tricked by outside forces, such as a bad smell. Noting this phenomenon, the paper suggests that self-awareness of these outside factors can help mitigate their effect. However, they also suggest it is not wise to completely remove somatic markers. In one study, the patients were not able to incorporate feelings and sensations into their decision making; as a result, the patients were unable to come to conclusions on any simple subject matter. The paper concludes that it is ok to rely on these intuitions even if they can be easily influenced, but it also says we must be aware of factors that can distort our intuitions. By following this methodology, one can mitigate making biased decisions due to his or her

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